Free SEO Informations, Methods, Ways
Click Through Rate (CTR)
Click Though rate is a average number of click per thousand ad impression. Click through rate (CTR) measures how much people clicked on the ad to reach at the site, it not include who did not click the ad. Click through rate shows how many people see your ad and out of that how many people click on that ad.Pay Per Click (PPC)
PPC is a Online advertising payment model in which payment is based on qualifying click through's.![](
PPC is a pay per click. PPC is a method to get high click's on your site with good conversion rate. For example sponcerd link showed in search result of any search engine like google :
Cost per thousand impressions. (CPM)
The CPM refers to advertisement on the basis of impressions.
Price to be paid in a CPM is calculated by multiply the cost per minute rate by the number of CPM units.
For example:
1,000,000 at Rs. 1 CPM equals a Rs1,000
1,000,000 / 1,000 = 1,000 Units
1,000 units Y Rs1 CPM = Rs 1,00
The amount PPI is calculated by dividing the CPM by 1000. For example, a Rs. 1 Cost Per Thousand Impressions equals to Rs 0.001 per impressions.
Rs. 1 CPM / 1000 imp = Rs 0.001 per imp